Our Services

Weight Management

Medical consultation for people with excess weight

Being over weight is a very common problem. More than 2/3 adults in the UK are either overweight or obese. Excess weight is linked to several serious health problems such as heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

We can prescribe medicine to help you to lose the extra weight — providing it’s suitable for you. We’ll get in touch with advice on how to best take your medicine and help you make the lifestyle changes you need to manage your weight over the long-term.

We’ll check in with you after you start any treatment we prescribe to see how you’re getting on. If it’s going well, you can potentially request repeat prescriptions for up to 12 months and we’ll check in regularly with you to see if you are on track.

We can offer you one to one support in our discreet consultation room and will offer a number of remedies to help you.  We can prescribe certain medications or offer you a weight loss diet if you prefer.  Wegovy or Saxenda injections may be an option.

Please get in touch for more information


Wegovy is a weight loss medicine that can help to regulate your appetite and reduce cravings. It can be a very effective medicine to achieve sustained weight loss when used alongside a reduced calorie diet, increased physical activity and healthy lifestyle choices.

An injection you give yourself just once a week, it’s quick and easy to use. Don’t worry, we’ll give you full instructions on how to do this.


While it isn’t guaranteed to work for everyone, Wegovy can be very effective in helping many people to develop dependable eating habits and reach a healthy weight. It does this in several ways:

Regulates appetite

Wegovy mimics a naturally occurring hormone that targets the areas of your brain that control appetite.

Helps you feel fuller

It slows down your digestive system, helping you feel fuller and more satisfied between meals.

Supports healthy eating

Fewer cravings can help you to develop a reliable eating routine for long-term, healthy habits.

One to One Programme

Weight loss isn’t just about taking medicine. To help you get the best results, we’ve put
together a great programme designed to maximise healthy, sustainable weight loss. With
one to one support from our trained pharmacist we will help you learn more about
mindsets, managing cravings, how sleep and everyday stress could affect you, and much

How do I use Wegovy?

You inject Wegovy under the skin once a week using an injection pen. Don’t worry, it’s
easier than it sounds and our friendly pharmacist will take you through it every step of the

You’ll start with a dose of 0.25mg, which will increase every four weeks until you reach the
maximum maintenance dose of 2.4mg.

If you struggle with side effects or find a lower dose of Wegovy helps you to achieve your
healthy weight loss goal, you may not need to continue to increase the dose as per the
recommended guidelines.

You can contact us any time via email or phone to discuss this with our clinical team. Our
clinical team can also guide you on what to do next when you reach a healthy body mass
index (BMI) or if you are worried about any side effects

Please contact us to find out more or, to start treatment, book a consultation below.

0.25mg – 1.7mg – £199.00 per month
2.4mg – £299.00 per month


39 Lyefield Rd W
Charlton Kings
GL53 8EZ, UK

Store Hours

M-F: 9am - 1pm
& 2:15pm – 6pm
Sat: 9am - 1pm
Sun: Closed

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